
Luis Miguel Busto

“I was born in Arróniz, a small town in Navarra (Spain) in the north of the country, in 1963, in a family of farmers. A family that had to make great economic efforts so that their eldest son could go to university. I graduated in Journalism and this was the reason for me to start my militancy in the neighborhood movement in a working class neighborhood of Madrid, Vicálvaro, in 1996. The neighborhood newspaper “Vicálvaro Distrito 19” was created that year by the Neighborhood Association of the neighborhood and has been present until today.

That same year was also the birth of the digital newspaper rebelion.org of which I am editor, occupying different responsibilities such as the international section of the Middle East, Latin America, Opinion and Europe. Rebelión is the digital alternative information newspaper in Spanish with the largest number of readers and a pioneer in digital press.

I have always been critical of the role of the media and in the 90s I had the opportunity to start working in a multinational telecommunications company where I still work to this day. In this company I have been able to see the progressive deterioration of trade unionism funded by employers and administrations; a type of unionism which seeks its survival in the social pact. My academic training, my readings of left-wing authors as well as my militancy in revolutionary organizations made me more critical and I was able to detect the great injustices that occur in the world of work. But not only that, they made me rebel against them.

And in that space I found praiseworthy revolutionaries like Álvaro Barreiro, Juan Córdoba or Teresa Rodríguez who continue to be the lighthouse in the stormy nights where the force of the current threatens to crash us against the rocks. Since then I struggle in Alternativa Sindical de Clase, a union affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions.

My responsibility within the union has been growing: union delegate in the Coordinadora Sindical de Clase; since the 2014 Chile Congress, member of the leadership of the TUI Transport, Ports, Fisheries and Communications; reelected at the 2018 Istanbul Congress; since 2018, Coordinator of the WFTU Committee in the Spanish state; in 2019 I was appointed General Secretary of ASC in the union section of Telefonica company; in 2022 I was elected member of the WFTU Presidential Council at the XVIII Congress held in Rome.

The invitation to join the Trade Union Education Committee (TUEC) of the International Workers Institute (IWI) is a great personal challenge and that, I must confess, I hesitated at first to accept it or not. But it was my colleague Patricia who cleared the doubts that arose convinced, more than me, that my future in the class unionism must be in the formation of new union cadres and in a more determined militancy towards the youngest.”