He is a Colombian national. He is a waged earner in companies that produce agricultural machinery and household appliances as well as in other companies that commercialize medicines and in administrative work as a social services entity.
He is a technician in Industrial Production and at the same time co-founder and researcher of the Center for Social Economic Studies -APES in 1989.
In 1990 he started links with the trade union movement of class-oriented workers in the electricity sector. Responsible for the Socio-economic Research Center of Fedepetrol (CISF) since 1999. Promoter of the process of organic unity with Fentrammetal, a project that gave rise to Funtraenergética in 2001, organization where – as its cadre – he continued the tasks of Education and Research until 2008, when he left to support a local telecommunications union and the National Union of Workers of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry (SINTRAQUIM).
Co-founder in 2009 of the WFTU Colombia Team, now National Secretariat of WFTU Colombia. As Technical Secretary, he supports administrative functions and actively participates in tasks of organization, propaganda, solidarity and, especially, research and union education. Responsible for the WFTU Colombia School Project from 2015 to 2022. Close coordination with Ramón Cardona (RIP), Secretary of WFTU Latin America and the Caribbean. Integrated the support team for the realization of the 2nd Congress of the TUI P&R. Permanent interaction with members of the WFTU Colombia.