A R SINDHU is National Secretary of Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) and General Secretary of the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH),a sectoral federation of care workers with a membership of five hundred thousand. She is also the convenor of All India Coordination Committee of Working Women (CITU) the women’s committee of CITU formed in 1979.
She is the Working Editor of ‘The Voice of the Working Woman’, the monthly journal which has been published uninterruptedly by the AICCWW (CITU) since 1980.She is also the Editor of Hindi quarterly Kamkaji Mahila.
Hails from Kerala, the left Bastian in India, she was an activist of the student movement, SFI. She has been working among the workers, especially the unorganized sector workers and scheme workers in North India from the CITU head quarters at New Delhi, since 1996.