
First seminar of the Trade Union Education cycle: “The role of NGOs and the stance of the militant unions” | Keynote Speaker: Valentin Pacho

First seminar of the Trade Union Education cycle: “The role of NGOs and the stance of the militant unions” | Keynote Speaker: Valentin Pacho

First seminar of the Trade Union Education cycle: “The role of NGOs and the stance of the militant unions” | Keynote Speaker: Valentin Pacho


The first cycle of Trade Union Education online seminars for the militants of the international trade union movement begins with a lecture by Valentin Pacho on the following topic:


“The role of NGOs and the stance of the militant unions”


There will be simultaneous English – Spanish – French translation. Participation is free and you can register by emailing info@theoryandpraxis.eu .


Details of the event:


Monday, October 31, 2022

Start time: 17:00 (Greece time)


See seminar poster below: