
Beginning of the 2nd Cycle of Trade Union Training of the International Workers’ Institute (IWI)

Beginning of the 2nd Cycle of Trade Union Training of the International Workers’ Institute (IWI)

On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the International Workers’ Institute (IWI) will inaugurate the second cycle of trade union training, addressing a topic of great importance for the global trade union movement: “Religions and the Trade Union Movement”.

The central speaker will be our comrade, Axel Persson, member of the Trade Union Education Committee of the IWI and General Secretary of the Railway Workers Union of the CGT-France in Trappes.

The IWI believes that workers and peoples, regardless of religious and political preferences, are brothers and sisters. We belong socially to the same class, the working class, and we must fight together against capitalist barbarism. The imperialists want to divide us. But all over the world, all workers, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Copts and Catholics, whether they believe or not, all suffer from low wages and starvation pensions, layoffs, the high cost of living, privatizations, etc.

The solution for all workers is one: Workers, united as a social class, must fight the exploiters for social liberation.

Register now for this really interesting trade union symposium by the following email : info@theoryandpraxis.eu