A Book Review by Swadesh DevRoye: “From William Foster to George Mavrikos”
The book ''Critical Notes on the History of the World Trade-Union Movement, Issues of Tactics and Strategy’’ is worth studying and I suggest that the book presentation sessions be organized in every city and in as many as possible locations in the countries across the continents region. It should be translated into every language and taught in trade union schools and trade union seminars.
WFTU 2025 New Year’s Message
As we welcome 2025, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) extends its militant and class greetings to workers, trade unionists, and progressive peoples around the world. The new year is an opportunity to renew our determination to continue the struggles for workers’ rights, peace and social justice.
AI & Trade Union Movement: Documents & materials from the IWI Symposium
On 10 December the IWI Symposium on "Artificial Intelligence and the Trade Union Movement" was successfully held through ZOOM. More than 90 trade unionists from 35 countries participated in the seminar.
The book ''Critical Notes on the History of the World Trade-Union Movement, Issues of Tactics and Strategy’’ is worth studying and I suggest that the book presentation sessions be organized in every city and in as many as possible locations in the countries across the continents region. It should be translated into every language and taught in trade union schools and trade union seminars.
As we welcome 2025, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) extends its militant and class greetings to workers, trade unionists, and progressive peoples around the world. The new year is an opportunity to renew our determination to continue the struggles for workers’ rights, peace and social justice.
On 10 December the IWI Symposium on "Artificial Intelligence and the Trade Union Movement" was successfully held through ZOOM. More than 90 trade unionists from 35 countries participated in the seminar.
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and the International Workers’ Institute (IWI) organize the Conference :Women: struggles, resistance and war | Friday 29 November 4 p.m. (Athens time)
Article of Pedro Eusse, General Secretary of CUTV, on the Venezuelan Trade Union Movement
The World Federation of Trade Unions on the 3rd of October every year celebrates the historic anniversary of its founding as it deserves, with international mobilization through its declaration as an International Action Day. On this extraordinary occasion of its 79th anniversary that marks the entry of our Federation into its 80th year of existence and struggle, the working class all over the world, the militant and class-oriented trade unions, should honor this day with militant and massive activities in all continents and regions.